clay figurine of a woman giving birth, Chalcolithic period (3400-2700 BC), Kissonerga-Mosfilia

10.8.21 Kissonerga.

Driving from Melissovouno to Kissonerga I appreciate the area’s importance. Fertile land, well-ventilated, spread out in the gentle sun. Despite the touristic development, there are plantations everywhere, especially banana trees. The temperature is 28 degrees while the rest of Cyprus is burning. The climate is mild and pleasant. I visit the archaeological site which seems crammed between the structures made to protect it. The circular house reminds me of the construction methods of Karpasia, with the use of the asta, the central wooden post. In Karpasia the beams are made from juniper tree, the sample here is perhaps made from terebinth. In the wider area, every spot is either built or cultivated. Searching for the horizon, I arrive at the seaside, I sit at a nice spot called Vardas thinking, could they know of Agnes Varda here? Even the beach is man-made, freshly mowed grass, plastic beds and umbrellas. I stand at the level of the sea and paint. Just the sea with the few rocks and the impression of the people, the sun filling my eyes with diamonds.

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