clay horse-and-rider figurine, Cypro-Archaic period (750-475 BC), Kritou Marottou

12.8.21 Kritou Marottou.

Such a surprise, the discovery of this area. A fertile valley at an altitude, embraced by the western peaks of Troodos. The flow of the Ezousa river has been interrupted by a dam, dark turquoise water. The village coexists harmoniously with the landscape, almost imperceptible, in the way that settlements were integrated into the landscape from the Epipalaeolithic period until very recently. I observe from above and draw with my brush, deep greens and light yellows and between them red earth. In other places, among the golden crops, a deep brown colour. An African shepherd with his master’s sheep move along the harvested fields, the bells are handmade, they produce through movement the most harmonious music, matching the landscape. As they move away or approach, the ensuing sound is splendid. I listen in awe. But when I later enter this beautiful landscape, I feel distressed. Two factories, not visible from above, one makes a terrible mechanical noise and from the other I can hear caged dogs whining. I can’t bear to stay here much longer, only for a while.

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