5.9.21 Peristerona, Ammochostos, midday.

I reached Peristerona passing through the villages of Aloa, Maratha, Santalari. In Aloa, I spent time observing the bare adobe houses now withering with time, some of their stone arches still erect. Their beauty seems so natural next to the newly built kitsch villas. Their relevance to the landscape makes me think how they are made from the soil of the area, from the sweat of the people who built and inhabited them. I realise that adobe houses are like humans. In the end, they return to the earth. I observe Peristerona while standing on a plateau. The village seems beautiful and peaceful in the middle of the fertile plain, surrounded by trees and cultivated fields. I stand there for a few hours and create a colour note. When I move on it feels like I am entering my painting.

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